Sunday, March 30, 2008

Baseball, Bushes, and Banjos

Yesterday was Opening Day for baseball here in Leeds. We started with Kenzie's team pictures at 7:30 a.m. and finished with Alex's ballgame wrapping up at 4:30 p.m.
Although it was exhausting, our day was a lot of fun! Between all the games and pictures, the kids played on all the inflatables that were at the park. There was also an auction to help raise money for the park. I don't usually bid on much, but this time I found a painting that I really like, and guess what..... I Won!!!! Now I just have to find somewhere to put it in my house. It is like a sidewalk cafe in Paris, but I don't have room for it in my kitchen (although I think it would look good there) so I think I will put it in my bedroom. I need a new comforter, so I may as well get one to match it.
After we left the ballpark we got cleaned up and went to see our friends the Key's. We haven't seen them much lately. They have been on a 7 month long field trip to Chattanooga, TN and now they are back in Hoover. We had a great visit. Elizabeth who is a vegetarian, although she will prepare "flesh" for my family to eat, made tacos for dinner (did you know they make a vegi product that looks and tastes just like ground beef?). It was great to see them I hate that we had to leave so early (Shane was falling asleep).

Today we worked in the yard. Shane cut the grass and I edged the yard, trimmed bushes and
and pulled weeds. Then we put out pine straw. I don't really understand the point in doing that. I spent a lot of time getting leaves and weeds out then we pay for pine straw and spread it all over our flower bed?! After we finished that project, we were on to a new one. Sydney has had 2 weeks to work on an instrument project and of course being our child, she waited until the last minute to do it. She chose to write about the violin. The report took several hours and a few breakdowns, but alas she finished writing it. Next, we had to make a violin. We cut, we glued, we colored, we burned our fingers and then.........

It may not sound great, but it looks pretty good.

All and all we had a great weekend filled with family time (doesn't get any better than that)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pine Straw - The purpose is to (at least) delay the return of all of those weeds you pulled up. The pine straw will also keep the roots warm in winter and cool in summer. When it's finished doing all of this for you, it will decompose and add compost to your garden. Anyway, it looks pretty. I wish I had a truck load! LY,Mo