Saturday, March 22, 2008

Being a Dad

You know I love being a Dad! But it is probably one of the most challenging things that I have ever done in my life. I have wanted children for as long as I can remember and I have enjoyed every moment of being a Dad. But the question I always find myself asking is, am I a good Dad? Balancing your time between work and a loving wife is hard, but when you add three Kids to the mix each with their own schedules and activities it makes life even more complicated. I coach Alex's baseball team and I get great enjoyment out of doing this, but I am so hard on him, so much harder then I am the other kids. Its only because I want him to do good, and succeed. But I too often leave practice thinking it is just a game, why am I so hard on him, why am I making something that is supposed to be fun seem like something that is so important when its really not. I pray often that my passion for my faith and me teaching my child that faith would become just as important to me. And I am ashamed to say that all to often its not. My beautiful girls mean so much to me too. Baseball takes up so much of my time right now, I feel like they feel neglected for Daddy time. I try so hard to balance my time with them, but again this is something that I all too often feel that I don't do very well. So Sydney, and Kenzie if you are reading this just know that I love you so much and I am sorry that I am not able to spend much time with you right now. Anyway I just thought I would share with you the latest thing I am stressing about. (Something I seem to do all too often.)


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