Saturday, March 22, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow, what a week! I feel like I have been going non - stop this week. It is nice to be able to sit back and ponder ( I like that word) and sort through my week, if I didn't I would just see a blur of activity and not the blessings within it. Monday, my mom (Mo) decided to call her doctor about some chest pains that have been getting progressively worse over the past month (or so). Well of course she was sent to the ER and spent the day there doing tests and finally being admitted so that they could do more tests on Tuesday. Our Monday ended with Alex and Kenzie having baseball practice until 9:00, this made our week start out with everyone tired and grumpy. Tuesday was very hectic, I chaperoned Kenzie's class (with Jackson in tow) to Leeds First Baptist to watch the Bham Children's Theater do Jack and The Bean Stalk. It was a very cute production. That night Sydney's girl scout troop had the honor of saying the Pledge of Allegiance at a PTA meeting and Shane called a batting practice for Alex's team because what in the world would we do if we had one night without baseball. This was also report card day the kids did great!!! I am very proud of them and how hard they work. Well I told you that Tuesday was test day for Mo. They tested her from head to toe and by that night they finally decided that they needed to do an arteriogram on Wednesday because she may have blockage in one of the arteries in her heart. This was no fun for her to hear, but I think she was happy to have a plan of action to figure out why she was in such terrible pain. Wednesday Kenzie had an Easter program, It was so cute. Whenever I see her on stage singing and having a great time, I think of the Thanksgiving program (2006) when she had a broken ankle and could not stand. She looked so sad and wouldn't sing I just sat in the audience and cried. It was such a blessing watching her with her hands raised singing and smiling (and standing). After her program, I left her at school for my mother-in-law to pick up after she hunted eggs and had her party. Heather and I headed to the hospital to see Mo (Dawn was already there). When we got there she was just coming out of surgery. They told us that they had to give her a pig heart and that she should be fine soon. We just ask that you say a prayer for Sal and his family, we are saddened that the pig had to die so that she could have his heart. Of course I am kidding although it sure was fun trying to convince her that she had a pig heart while she was coming off of the meds from surgery. Actually they did find a blockage, and put in a stint. They say she should be feeling better soon and in fact they want her to go back to work on Monday (her Bday). It is funny that some of the best visits you have with people are in hospital rooms. We had a good time hanging out. Heather and I left in time for her to pick up the kids from daycare (before they kicked them to the curb). That night Shane had a baseball meeting (probably fabricated since there was no practice). Thursday Mo got out of the hospital and went home to rest (her earthly home). Sydney and Kenzie had gymnastics and Alex had baseball practice. After gymnastics we changed Kenzie in the car and rushed her to her practice baseball game. Of course we could not leave empty handed, Jorden (Sydney's friend) came home with us. Friday, the kids were out of school for Good Friday and we also had Adam (my nephew which was nice-I don't get to see him much). We hung out here half of the day and then we picked up Mo and went to Heather's house. We had a nice visit. Friday night Alex's jump rope team performed at the AL vs AU gymnastics meet. So we travelled to Tuscaloosa and watched that. They did a great job. That brings me to today. I am cooking a pineapple upside down cake for Mo's bday party tonight at Heathers' house and I am also cooking for our Resurrection Day celebration tomorrow. Shane's mom (Linda) will be coming over to celebrate with us. I am sure she will dye eggs with the kids, she usually does this because that is one of the things I really don't like to do but the kids love. Well this has been my week in a nut shell (pretty big nut). As you can see it was full of blessings. My mom is alive, my Kenzie can walk, my oldest 2 are hard working, smart children, and my husband loves his son and wants his baseball experience to be a great one. Most importantly, God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to die and be resurrected for our sins!!! Praise Jesus in all things!!!!!!!

1 comment:

St. John Family said...

You know Jamie I love reading what you write about our family, i always makes me smile and sometimes even tear up a little. You should really consider doing some writing and trying to get it published.... On another note the really sad part about this is that you are in the room next to me and I am commenting on your blog instead of telling you.. Oh well.

Love you
