Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What I like

All three of my children are talented and unique. It is interesting to see how different 3 people, that have the same parents, can be. Alex likes all sports and Kenzie has just started gymnastics and baseball. Sydney is involved in gymnastics, girl scouts and she has recently started going to a writers workshop at school. In her workshop, Sydney had to write either a story or a poem. She decided to write a poem about herself. I loved it so much I just had to share it.

This is Sydney's poem:

What I Like
by: Sydney St. John

I like webkinz, books, and the computer
I like sewing, but I am more of a dancer
Most of all I like me
I like music and T.V.
I like the beach and the sea
But what I really like is me
I like sushi and ice-cream
I like hanging out with my friends
I like doing things with my family
But now you see what I really like is me

I like her too.


TrishaBrown said...

HELLO! Welcome to the blogger will now be forever addicted. :) That was a very cute poem! One question though...what's a webkinz? Should I know this?

St. John Family said...

Trisha, Do you have a blog?
A webkinz in a small doll that you buy for $15 and then get a password to take care of it online. It is the new TY beanie baby craze. I wish I would have thought of that first!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, can I post a picture? I want to show off the baseball star. Mo

St. John Family said...

you can send them to me and I can put them on there.

MattD said...

She's a cool little girl isnt' she?

Unknown said...

Well, it sounds like you will never have to invest in counselling for low self esteem! Wish I that healthy of self image at that age....or for that mattter, even now! Must be due to some good parenting!
Laura K