Saturday, April 5, 2008

Shane's Day Off.....Well Sort Of

Yesterday was an eventful day with the weather, wasn't it? Our day started just like every other Friday. I took the kids to school, came home and then got Jackson ready for his nap. He has gotten so very mobile lately that I can not get anything done while he is awake. After his bottle, I placed him in his comfy "bed" in Alex's room. His bed consists of a blanket placed under Alex's desk. I did a few things around the house and got in the shower. And that was my morning. About 10:30 SURPRISE Shane came home from work. He had taken off most of the day to spend a quiet afternoon with me and the little kids. We picked Kenzie up from school at 12:00 and decided to go to Santa Fe for lunch. We were having a nice time visiting and watching Jackson. He has gotten to be such a big boy lately. He sat in a highchair and ate a little from the table, I am not entirely sure that Shane did not slip him some tea while I took Kenzie to the bathroom. Yes, the four of us were having a fine time! Then the phone rang.
We found out that the schools were letting out early due to the weather. I called Heather and asked if we needed to keep her boys...and we did. We met her at Adam's daycare and got him. Kenzie was so excited to see him. While we were there Dawn called and told us that she needed someone to pick up her girls from school because she was driving to the eye of the storm oh I mean Anniston to get ready for her schools prom. Shane volunteered to go and get them while I took the others home and waited on our kids school bus to get there and Heather to bring Jake. By 2:30 I had a house full. If you lost count, That was 8 kids and only 2 adults. We were heavily outnumbered. Luckily, they did not realize this so we did not have a hostile takeover. The afternoon went pretty good, as good as it could with this many people in one house.
I don't know how glad Shane is that he took of work yesterday, but I sure was happy to have him!
Again.. a wonderful day filled with family time! Lots of family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are all so thankful for the St. John's.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate you watching my children. I could have brought them to my office, but that would be useless - I would not have accomplished anything.

Thanks Shane for taking the afternoon off to spend with ALL of your nieces and nephews. There are not too many people who would take time off to spend with ALL 8 of them at the same time. Your such a GREAT Uncle!
