Friday, April 18, 2008

Spring Break

This is spring break week for my kids. You would think we would fill it with a bunch of fun activities to reward them for all of their hard work in school. Well instead of that silliness I decided to schedule Sydney's ear surgery this week. She needed both of her eardrums repaired. Her left ear had a small hole and her right ear had a large hole. The left ear was simple to fix, they went into the ear through the hole that God gave her and put in a patch. The right ear however, was a little more difficult. They had to get to her eardrum by cutting behind her ear. It is hard to watch your child be wheeled away from you and know that they are about to put her to sleep and preform surgery. This is where, as parents, we have to realize that God is always with them and he loves them even more than we do. Two hours later Dr. Shirley came in and told us that the surgery went well and that she would be in the recovery room for about 30 minutes. Just like clockwork, 30 minutes later she was wheeled down the hallway to her room. When she got in there she was in terrible pain. They had maxed her out on Demerol in the recovery room and she was still in excruciating pain. She just laid there looking at me with tears running down her face waiting on me to help her. If I thought letting her go to an operating room by herself was bad, this was 100 times worse. There was nothing I could do except hold her and wipe her tears. They eventually gave her some Lortab which helped tremendously. She was finally able to relax and sleep for a few minutes. This was an outpatient surgery so right when she fell asleep they came in and said that we could dress her and take her home. She wasn't excited about the car ride, but she was ready to get home. The evening was tough, she was still in a lot of pain but she made it through. She has been recovering the rest of the week, slowly adding some activity to her life. Today is Friday, 4 days after surgery, I thought it would be a good idea to get the kids out of the house. But after her surgery and medicine, we could not afford to do much so we took a picnic to the park. I thought Sydney would be really bored because she is not allowed to do much so I brought the camera with us and she took pictures the whole time. I think she really enjoyed it! Well that is the end of our spring break. I hope next year's spring break will be a little more fun for all of them.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who prayed, called, stopped by or brought her a gift. It truly meant a lot to her (and me) and made her feel special!


Anonymous said...

It doesn't get easier. Her face, pre-Lortab, broke my heart and watching my baby suffer for hers did too.
Thank God for the doctor and his ability to make her ears better. Maybe one day, medicine will find better ways to do it with less suffering.

Anonymous said...

We love our Syd!
I'm glad she is feeling better.


Grace said...

Okay. Move it along.