Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sydney is 10

It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since Sydney came into this world and changed our lives. Not only was she our first child, but she was also the first grand baby. She has made a pretty good guinea pig for us all.

Today should be a fun day for her. She has field day at school today. She is very excited about this even though it is raining. They are moving the games indoors and she is fine with that.
Tonight she has a meeting for her summer drama program. She will get her script and music and have to learn it before she starts rehearsals in June. After her meeting we will probably take her out to get a quick dinner.

Tomorrow night she is going to have several of her friends over to spend the night and have a spa party. She is very excited about this. And so we are not outdone by my sister Heather, we are going to have yet another party on Saturday with the family.
I better go....I have a lot of shopping to do and a few cakes to bake.


Anonymous said...


I love you so much.

It's kinda cool to get more than 1 party.

Aunt Heather

Anonymous said...

Is it time for another blog yet?

DossettDavisFamily said...

Likewise, My Dear. Give Forth.