Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New one for the Red Neck Dictionary

I was driving the kids to school this morning when I noticed that Kenzie was wearing some old sandals. They fit just fine, but the front of them are scuffed. She has brand new white sandals that she could have chosen, but oddly enough she likes wearing her sisters hand-me-downs. I told her (in my best redneck accent) that her shoes were tow-up. Sydney asked me if that meant they were to small. She thought that toe up was a way of saying that shoes are too small.

TOE-UP \ˈtō - ˈəp\ - adjective -Toe length exceeds shoe length


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!


Susan said...

my mother-in-law, the "late-great Southern Belle from South Jawja", Flo Pruitt, used a similar term for something altogether different. If you were a woman over 40 trying to look 20, in a get-up that belonged on a 15 year old (you know the type) she would refer to you a being a "torn down piece". I'm not sure where she ever came up with that but it seemed to fit lots of women I've seen in Walmart on Friday nights.

Over the years I have advanced the term "torn down" to the point to where "torn" doesn't even need the word "down" to get my point across to friends in the know,i.e., "that dress is so torn I wouldn't wear it to a costume party".

So please add "torn down piece" and simply "torn" to your dictionary; I'm sure someone out there from the heart of the South might even be interested in letting it fly every now and again!

wigged out and blessed up,


St. John Family said...

that is great, I will be using the word torn more often!!!!